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Charter of The Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey

Title of the Confederation is The Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey



The confederation headquarters is located in Ankara. Power to relocate the address within Ankara belongs to the Board of Directors.  Any decision to relocate to a province other than Ankara should be adopted by the General Assembly.


The Turkey-based Young Businessmen Federations have established a confederation under the title, Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey, to ensure unity and harmony in their efforts and form a top-level managerial organization.


Following are title and headquarters of the founding Young Businessmen Federations.

a) Southern and Southeastern Young Businessmen Federation (GİAF)


b) Aegean Region Young Businessmen Federation (EGİFED)


c) Federation of Young Businessmen Associations of Aegean-Mediterranean Regions (EGAFED)


d) Southern Marmara Young Businessmen Federation (MAGİFED)


e) Young Entrepreneur Businessmen Federation of Marmara Region (MAGİF)



The Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey operates in accordance with principles of democracy and human rights, rules of the Constitution and the Natural Law, and respect to freedom of faith and thought. On the basis of principles envisioned in the Constitution and by Atatürk, the confederation aims to help young businessmen develop leadership qualities, social responsibility and the spirit of solidarity and contribute to social, economic and cultural development of the society; to cooperate with national and international associations, foundations, federations and confederations established to serve the same ends; to influence the public, publish, and hold training, social and cultural events in accordance with these purposes; and to establish new economic or industrial businesses and companies, or partner with existing ones, to serve the confederation’s establishment purposes as specified in this charter.


Our Confederation, which is established on the basis of voluntary organization and acts as the supraorganization representing young businessmen of the country, considers the following as indispensable fundamental principles on its path to attain its goals:

6.1 Considering the businessmen as a pioneering and entrepreneur force in the Turkish society, and following through any effort undertaken accordingly.

6.2 Operating in line with universal principles of business ethics.

6.3 Promoting the policies that aim to establish legal and corporate framework for market economy, put in place the liberal economy rules, employ emergent technologies to ensure effective utilization of the nation’s natural resources, and create an environment that allows constant improvement of efficient and quality to boost the competitive edge.

6.4 In line with the established principles, gathering young Turkish businessmen under a single roof, helping them get acquainted and bond with each other, ensuring exchange of information amongst members relating to professional subjects, enabling members to improve relations with private and official organizations of their interest, exhibiting efforts to enlighten the public about the matters covered by the Confederation's field of activity, offering ideas about social, economic and cultural matters involving Turkey, conducting lobbying activities, ordering scientific studies to enlighten the public about various subjects, and undertaking lawful cooperation with similar organizations at home and abroad to serve interests of the members and the national economy.

6.5 Acting on a sense of social duty to create a modern environment where the youth have a say in national governance.

6.6 Building rapport with and being a sound solution partner to other social stakeholders.

6.7 Developing projects to improve individual improvement of members.

6.8 Ensuring order, unity and harmony amongst affiliated young businessmen associations and federations.

6.7 Exhibiting efforts to become a pioneering, entrepreneur, and synergy-creating NGO which, within its sphere of influence and in light of the universal principles of ethics, will be championing a social structure that upholds the individual.

6.10 Communicating any opinion or recommendation reached as a result of the activities above directly to the parliament, the government, foreign countries and international organizations, and by means of media to the public, to create a unity of thought and action in line with the principles above.



The Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey shall show the following efforts to carry out its purposes:

7.1 Cooperating with managements of the member federations to issue periodicals and non-periodicals in line with the confederation’s purpose; holding study tours, conferences and seminars at home and abroad; prepare albums to introduce members; conducting research to identify commercial and industrial structure of the country; conducting and ordering scientific studies relating to the public agenda.

7.2 Contracting, cooperating and holding joint events with counterpart associations, foundations and similar organizations at home and abroad.

7.3 Offering scholarship to the young people from any age or educational level, and supporting their education at home and abroad, to ensure that the posterity upholds our purpose.

7.4 Holding courses, seminars, symposiums, conferences, study trips etc. to update member federations and associations, as well as members of such associations, about recent developments in import, export, investment, and business administration fields, and to facilitate supply of the subject-matter goods and services. It draws up, and offers for public and members’ interest, reports with the help of people and organizations specialized in the relevant subject.

7.5 Informing members on the exhibitions and fairs at home and abroad, and holding and participating in exhibitions and fairs in cases necessary.

7.6 Publishes newsletters, newspapers, brochures, books and magazines to ensure inter-member communication and update them of recent events. It puts advertisement in existing publications to inform and make announcements.
7.7 Contributing to any project and initiative that serves the goal of improving university-business relations.

7.8 The Confederation may open representative offices within the country to help Turkey improve economically, socially and culturally, and to communicate with members more easily, and in major world economies, like EU countries or USA, or in financial, commercial or industrial zones, to keep updated with latest economic news.

The Confederation may not establish under any title whatsoever another organization other than the representative offices specified above.

7.9 With regard to its residence and activities covered by its purpose, the Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey shall relocate, or purchase, rent, sell, establish any right on, or operate real property, or undertake construction of any kind, in accordance with relevant provisions of the Law of Associations.

7.10 As long as legal requirements are satisfied, the Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey may participate in, join or cooperate with any existing or future national or international organization or supraorganization which is established in line with the confederation’s purpose and field of activity.

7.11 The Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey may establish and operate dormitory, boarding house, library or lecture room for education and teaching purposes; kindergarten, retirement home, or soup kitchen for social aid purposes; or sports field, sports hall, or camping facilities outside residential areas, for sports purposes, provided that any such facility serves the confederation’s purpose, relevant permits are obtained, and the associations are not prohibited by law to conduct such activities.

7.12 Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey is entitled to grant and receive donation.

7.13 “The Confederation may establish economic or industrial businesses or companies, or partner with the existing ones, to perform its establishment purposes as specified in this Charter”, upon resolution of the Board of Directors.



Any Young Businessmen Federation which fulfills the following requirements may be a member of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey;

8.1 Has the same establishment purpose as the Confederation,


8.1 Is established under the Republic of Turkey laws, and completed all of the establishment procedures,


8.3 Is operating under a charter that allows their membership to the confederation, has drawn up its articles of incorporation,


8.4 Has paid the entry fee and annual contribution amounts in accordance with the charter of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey.


Which satisfies the conditions laid down in Article 8 of the Regulation of the Board of Directors of the Confederation membership application within 30 days from the date of application acceptance or denial of the request form tied to the outcome of the decision in writing to the applicant notifies the federation. In case of refusal of membership is not mandatory justification. Member of the federation's appeal in case of refusal the final decision about acceptance "General Assembly" of data.



No federation may be forced to remain a member of the confederation. At any time, a confederation member may withdraw from confederation membership by submitting their resignation. Any member who wants to resign from confederation membership has to submit their letter of resignation to the Chairman of the Board of Directors.


To expel a member from confederation membership, any of the following determinations, together with the grounds thereof, should be established against such member.

11. Acting or conducting activities against the purposes of the confederation after being a member of the confederation

11.2 Acting against the confederation charter or resolutions of the General Assembly or Board of Directors.

11.3 Failure to pay annual contribution amount or entry fee in accordance with the payment plan and terms as decided upon by the General Assembly and insistence not to pay despite receiving two written warnings



Following are the mandatory organs of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey:

       a) General Assembly
       b) Board of Directors
       c) Supervisory Board

Following are the other organs of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey:

       a) Disciplinary Board
       b) High Advisory Board



Ordinary General Assembly once every three years in March, Governance and Audit Committee deems necessary or upon written request of 1/5 's confederation members  meetings extraordinary. Ordinary and Extraordinary General Assembly shall be convened by the Board.

The delegates who will represent a member federation shall be elected in such federation’s general assembly, and they shall be notified to the Confederation by the relevant federation within 30 days following the election date. The capacity of delegation shall endure until election of a new one.

The following principles shall govern how many “General Assembly” delegates a federation shall elect for TÜGİK General Assembly.

Each federation shall elect in their general assembly 60 principal and 60 substitute delegates to represent them in TÜGİK General Assembly. Any delegate whose capacity as a delegate ends for reasons of withdrawal, expulsion or resignation shall automatically be replaced by a substitute delegate of that federation as of the day TÜGİK receives the relevant letter. TÜGİK shall serve such delegate an official notice regarding the issue.



All members who are entitled to attend the general assembly shall be invited to the meeting at least fifteen days before the general assembly date, via announcement of date, time, place and agenda in a newspaper or delivery of a written or electronic notice. Such invitation shall include date, time and place of a second meeting in case of failure to reach majority in the first meeting. Period between the first and second meetings may not be shorter then seven or longer than sixty days.

In the event that the first meeting is adjourned for any reason other than lack of majority, this, together with reasons for adjournment, shall be announced to the members by means of the same invitation procedure as for the first meeting. The second meeting has to take place within six months at latest following the date of adjournment. Members shall be invited to the second meeting in accordance with the principles specified in paragraph 1.

No general assembly meeting may be adjourned more than one.



The Board of Director shall determine an appropriate venue for the General Assembly meeting. If the hall in the Headquarters is available, the General Assembly shall convene in the Headquarters. The General Assembly may convene outside the boundaries of the province where the Headquarters is located.





The General Assembly shall convene upon presence of simple majority of the members entitled to attend, or by two thirds thereof in cases of amendment of the charter or liquidation of the federation. In the event of postponement due to lack of majority, the presence of a majority shall not be required in the second meeting. However, the number of attending members may not be less than total member number of the board of directors and the supervisory board.


The General Assembly shall convene at the specified date, place and time. Delegates shall sign the field corresponding to their names in the lists prepared by the confederation’s board of directors to enter the meeting hall. Satisfaction of the quorum shall be minuted. The Board chairman, and a Board member assigned by the chairman, shall give the opening speech. Following the opening speech, a chairman, a vice chairman and three clerks shall be selected to conduct the meeting. The chairman shall preside over the meeting. The clerks shall draw up the meeting minute, co-sign all minutes and documents with the chairman, and submit them to the board of directors to be forwarded to the Local Governmental Authority within 30 (thirty) days. Only the agenda items shall be discussed at the general assembly meeting. However, any item requested by at least one tenth of the present members to be discussed must be included in the agenda.


Ballots may be either secret or open. However, any ballot for election of members of Board of Directors, Supervisory Board and Disciplinary Board shall be secret. Election of chairman of the Confederation's Board of Director shall have priority over any other election. From there on, ballot for members of Board of Directors, excluding the Chairman, Supervisory Board and the Disciplinary Board shall take place. As part of the secret ballot procedures, the delegates shall fill in letters and ballots bearing the confederation seal accordingly and throw them in the sealed box, then the votes will be counted and openly tabulated, and the certified list shall be declared the winner.


Any general assembly decision which was adopted in violation of the law or the charter may be legally challenged for annulment by (i) any member who was present at the meeting and did not vote for the decision, within one month following the decision date; (ii) any member who was not present in the meeting, within one month following the date he becomes aware of such decision; or (ii) any member under any circumstances, within three month following the decision date.

Unless internal supervisory procedures of the Confederation are exhausted, legal action for annulment may not be taken for a decision by other organs.

Occasions where General Assembly decisions are deemed void or absolutely nullified.



Confederation management consist of 1 president, 1 Vice-President, 2 Vice President, 1 General Secretary, 1 Treasurer, 13 members and 19 alternate members.  Board Chairman of the Confederation is elected by of the ordinary and / or extraordinary general assembly.



Powers and functions of the General Assembly are described below.

21.1 Examine working reports of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board, and discharge the Board of Directors in cases it deems necessary.

21.2 Discuss, and adopt as is or amended, the budget proposals prepared by the Board of Directors.

21.3 Secret vote with open classification; during 3 (three) years on the point to do a work belong the general assembly delegates; Chairman of the Board and for the management; (Excluding the chairman) 18 actual, 18 replacement,  for the Supervisory Board; 3 original, 3 replacement; For the dignity of the Court; 3 original, 3 replacement and for High Advisory Council; select the 19 original ,19 alternate members.

21.4 Review, and decide upon, objections of the federations which are expelled from the confederation.

21.5 If required by the residential needs or purposes of the confederation; purchase, sell, rent, establish lien on or authorize the Board of Directors to remove the lien on, movable or immovable property.

21.6 Offer suggestion to the Board of Directors about the activities that serve purposes of the Confederation.

21.7 If necessary, amend the confederation charter partially or completely.

21.8 Authorize the Board of Directors about the Confederation’s operating internationally, being a member of or withdrawing from its international counterparts etc.

21.9 The General Assembly shall grant the final decision about admission to or expulsion from membership, elect organs of the confederation, and perform other duties not assigned to other organs.

21.10 The General Assembly shall audit, and may displace at any time on justified grounds, other organs of the confederation.

21.11 Carry out other duties assigned to the General Assembly by the legislation or confederation charter



Within thirty days following the election by the General Assembly; the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall notify the highest authority in the jurisdiction covering the confederation headquarters, in writing, of full name, father name, place and date of birth, occupation and residential address of each principal and substitute member elected for the Board of Directors, Supervisory Boards or other organs of the confederation, in accordance with the principles and the format stipulated in the Law of Association. The notification for General Assembly results shall include as attachment;

a) A copy of the minute of the general assembly meeting, signed by the chairman, vice chairmen and the clerk,

b) And in case of charter amendment, amended and original texts of the amended articles and a copy the latest version of the charter, with each page signed by Board of Directors. Notification for general assembly results may be carried out by a member of Board of Directors authorized by the BoD of the Confederation. In case of failure to notify, the BoD chairman shall be held liable.



Following are powers and functions of the Board of Directors:


23.1 Represent and bind the confederation, and authorize at least two of its members to do so.

23.2 At the latest  one month after the Board of Directors convened under the chairmanship of the President, among its members, a vice president, two vice presidents, a general secretary, a treasurer, start to duty by selecting the task.

23.3 Invite the General Assembly to Ordinary or Extraordinary meeting.

23.4 Accept letter of resignation of the members who want to withdraw from the confederation, decide on the matter and notify the resigning member of the result.

23.5 Carry out the procedures concerning accounts receivable and accounts payable of the confederation, draw up and submit to the General Assembly the annual activity reports and the budget.

23.6 Show every effort to make most effective use of the confederation revenues.

23.7 Inform the Disciplinary Board of any member who acts against the principles of business ethics by which each member of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey has to abide, and implement procedures for a member in accordance with the decision of the Disciplinary Board.

23.8 Decide to recruit staff and employees for the confederation who will serve needs of the members, or dismiss them. It shall receive from or provide to third parties any kind of service relating to federation activities.

29.9 Convene at least on monthly basis to discuss matters of the confederation, and decide upon future actions.

23.10 If deemed necessary, draw up and implement by-law, regulation or other directives to redesign working methods,

23.11 Perform other duties and use other powers as conferred to it by the confederation charter and the legislation.

23.12 Decide to establish economic or industrial businesses or companies, or partner with the existing ones, so as to serve the establishment purposes specified in this charter.



The Board of Directors shall convene with the presence of the majority of its members. Decisions shall be taken by majority. Any decision taken in a meeting which lacks majority shall be null and void. In case of resignation of principal BoD members, substitute BoD members shall be called to duty. In the event that the substitute member fail to fill vacancies’ and the BoD has less than half of its current total member count, the remaining BoD members or the supervisory board shall invite the general assembly to meeting within one month. In the event that no invitation is made, the judge of the local peace court, upon petition by a confederation member, shall hold a hearing to assign three persons from among confederation members to convene the general assembly within one month.

It shall be observed that BoD members shall attend every meeting. However, in case a BoD member does not attend 3 meetings successively, or 5 meetings non-successively, without an excuse approved by the BoD shall lose his Board membership. Such decision shall be notified to the member in writing.

On the basis of the list of substitute members as elected in the general assembly, the substitute member whose turn has come according to the order of election shall replace the BoD member whose membership ends, and shall assume duty as the principal member. Contributions of a BoD member who left office in this manner shall not be refunded.

Any BoD member who has assumed duty as Vice Chairman, Secretary General or Treasurer but is found incapable of performing their duties, either due to their personal workload or upon their request or by BoD decision, shall be relieved of such duty upon majority decision of BoD. Such displaced BoD member shall be replaced by another BoD member. The decision shall be notified to the member in writing.



The Supervisory Board, the authorized auditing organ of the Young Businessmen Confederation of Turkey, shall be elected by the general assembly as 3 principal and 3 substitute members.

The Supervisory Board shall appoint one chairman and one rapporteur at its first meeting, shall convene at least quarterly and adopt decisions by simple majority.


Following are powers and functions of the supervisory board:

26.1 Submit to the BoD the report which includes results of the audit it conducts at least quarterly on books and documents relating to budget, accounts and transactions of the confederation as well as recommendations thereon.

26.2 Be present, and submit its opinions and recommendations, in the BoD meeting at which activity program and budget of the next turn shall be discussed.

26.3 Submit to the board of directors and to the general assembly when it convenes, the report which includes results of the audit it conducts on the financial report drawn up by the BoD, on the balance sheet and income-expense statement, and recommendations there on.


İncluding 3 principal, 3 replacement is selected by the General Assembly.


The Disciplinary Board shall inspect a member who has acted against the confederation charter, Confederation rules of or the principles of business ethics by which he has to abide or against decisions of BoD or the general assembly, and has been referred to the Disciplinary Board, and shall accordingly present the BoD its recommendation as to whether or not one of the following disciplinary actions should be taken.

28.1 Disciplinary warning

28.2 Suggest the BoD that the member should be expelled.


The following shall constitute reason of referral to the disciplinary board:

29.1 Acting against the confederation charter

29.2 Non-compliance with a general assembly decision

29.3 Acting or talking subversively within or outside the confederation against purposes of the confederation.

29.3 Involving the confederation in political ends.

29.5 Acting against principles of business ethics.



High Advisory Council is an advisory body to the confederation. Council members are elected by the General Assembly.council make the first meeting after selecting lates 1 (one month) and at the

first meeting makes the division of tasks is done between the members. The Council consists of 19 members elected by the General Assembly. For membership of the Council by the General Assembly, Association of Young Businessman which non-members and businessmen which not the case , and well-known people in Turkey who are experts in the field of natural and legal persons can be selected as a member of the High Advisory Council. Council chooses ,at its first meeting, 1 chairman,1 vice chairman and 2 vice president 

The High Advisory Board shall submit the Board of Directors its advisory opinions and proposals. Secretarial and corresponding activities of the Board shall be carried out by the Secretary-General of the Confederation and the Secretariat-General of TÜGİK.

If they wish so, the Board Chairman and Vice Chairmen may attend meetings of the BoD and the Expanded Committee of Chairmen, without the right to vote.



The Board shall hold ordinary meetings at least every 4 (four) months. However, it may convene extraordinarily upon invitation of the board chairman, upon request of the BoD.

The Board chairman shall invite the members to receive their suggestions for agenda items, at least 15 days before the meeting date, in written or via e-mail. The BoD chairman of the confederation, and the chairman of the high advisory board, shall together review the agenda item suggestions to establish the meeting agenda. Chairman, Vice Chairmen and Secretary-General of the Confederation shall attend, but may not vote at, the meetings of the high advisory board.



Following are the duties of the high advisory board:

32.1 Review economical status and problems of Turkey, and shed light on short- and long-term measures, in line with the Confederation’s purpose.

32.2 Review and provide recommendations to the prepared strategies so that such strategies may best serve the purposes of the Confederation.

32.3 Review the confederation activities from the standpoint of the confederation’s purposes and consequentialness, and recommend measures it deems necessary.

32.4 Provide opinion and recommendations about matters which the BoD requests their opinion on.


Expanded the Board of Chairmans ; consists of board members of confederation, the presidents of Heads of duty of Located member associations of the Confederation and member of the federation of associations of young business man with head of duty and presidents of the KKTC GİAD Presidents. İt meet at least twice a year. The agenda of meeting is determined by the Board of TÜGİK. Meetings, in accordance with the agenda shall be conducted by the chairman of the board of  confederation.


34.1 Present opinion on public matters,

34.2 Follow up General Assembly decisions,

34.3 Take advisory decisions relating to solution of the issues facing businessmen.



Following are the sources of revenue of the confederation:

35.1 The annual contributions which bought from members : the  member federations of which Turkey Young Businessmen Confederation, £ 1,500 per month. (Five Hundred Thousand Turkish Lira) Participation payments are made​​. The federation which have debt balance at the end of the period delegates will lose the right to elect and be elected.

35.2 Entry fee for the federation newly admitted by the confederation is determined as 2,500 TL (Two Thousand Five Hundred Turkish Liras).

35.3 Revenues from confederation publications, announcement revenues, as well as revenues from organization of such activities as dinner meetings, lotteries, balls, concerts, dinner parties, representation and conference.

35.4 Donations, aids to be collected in accordance with the legislation, and other revenues.

35.5 Revenues earned from confederation assets.
With respect to the confederation revenues specified above; entry fee from federations shall be collected during application, annual contributions of the confederations in equal monthly installments, and the remainder upon their performance.


Confederation revenues shall be collected via bill of receipt. In case confederation revenues are collected via bank transfer, documents such as receipts or abstracts of account issued by the bank shall be deemed as bill of receipt.

The persons who shall collect confederation revenues shall be appointed by BoD decision, and a certificate of authorization shall be issued in their name.

Confederation expenses shall be documented via expenditure documents such as voucher, retail receipt, freelancer receipts etc. However, the confederation shall issue a note of expenses in line with the Tax Procedure Law provisions for payments covered under the Income Tax Law, and for any payment without the Income Tax Law scope, an Expense Voucher in the same format as the sample included in the Regulation on Associations.

Delivery by the confederation of free-of-charge goods or services to a person, organization or institution shall be made via a Non-Monetary Aid Delivery Document in the same format as the sample described in the Regulation on Associations. Delivery by the a person, organization or institution of free-of-charge goods or services to the confederation shall be accepted via a Non-Monetary Donation Receipt Document in the same format as the sample described in the Regulation on Associations.

Such documents shall be printed by the associations in the same format and size as in the sample described in the Regulation on Associations, bearing serial and item numbers, in fifty original self-carbon copies and binders each of which consists of fifty counterfoils, or in form or template forms to be printed automatically via electronic systems or printing machines. It is mandatory that the documents to be printed as form or template form bear the described specifications.

It is mandatory that any income-expense book kept for the confederation should be certified by the associations unit or public notary.

Except for such books; any bill of receipt, note of expenditure and other documents used by the confederation shall be kept for 5 years in the order of their respective numbers and dates in the books, provided that the retention periods stipulated in private laws are reserved.

If necessary, the Confederation may borrow to carry out its purposes or activities, subject to BoD decision.  Such borrowing could involve procurement of goods and services on credit, or be in the form of cash.  However, such borrowing must be within the means of confederation incomes, and may not be in such manner to put the confederation in financial difficulty.


The confederation may not in any way receive or grant financial aid from or to any political party, workers’ trade union, or employers’ trade union.



The confederation shall keep the following books:

38.1 Membership book:  Identification, entry date, monthly or annual fees of confederation members shall be registered in this book.

38.2 Decision book: BoD decisions, with their dates and item numbers, shall be registered in this book. Decisions shall be undersigned by the chairman and members.

38.3 Book of incoming and outgoing documents: Incoming and outgoing documents, with their dates and item numbers, shall be registered in this book. Original copies of incoming documents, and photocopied copies of outgoing documents, shall be kept in their files.

38.4 Book of incomes and expenses:  Any amount received or spent in the name of confederation, and where they are spent at or received from, shall be registered explicitly and regularly in this book.

38.5 Book of fixtures: Any fixture owned by the confederation shall be registered in this book.

38.6 Book of bill of receipt: The treasurer shall register in this book any bill of receipt entrusted to him, one under the other, in the order of number and starting with the one bearing the smallest number.

Prior to their use, such books have to be certified by the notary public or the associations unit. The confederation may keep additional records and books as it deems necessary.

The Confederation may create the document files as specified below, in addition to those described above.

Membership information, science events like panels or conferences, media news covering TÜGİK or its members, Social Security Institution (SSI) transactions, employee file for TÜGİK Staff, Promotional Activities or Briefings, TÜGİK Archives Catalogue, Annual Statements of the Confederation, Annual Statements of Member Confederations, Documents of Incorporation, Foreign Activities, General Assembly Meetings, BoD Meetings, Publications, Announcements, Accounting Documents, Website Documents, Documents for Furniture&Fixtures, Activity Reports of Secretariat-General, Annual Activity Plans, documents concerning the Headquarters, and other documents.



The general assembly, board of directors or the audit committee may be done by the internal audit, the audit can be done by independent audit firms. the general assembly, board of directors or audit to be made by independent auditors, the obligation of the audit committee does not eliminate. By the supervisory board  the association's check is performed once a year. The General Assembly or the Board of Directors, if deemed necessary can control or can be make  supervision by independent audit firms.



At any time, the confederation’s general assembly may decide to dissolve the confederation. Decision by the general assembly to dissolve the confederation requires that at least two thirds of the members who are entitled by the charter to attend the general assembly are present at the meeting. In case of failure to reach such majority, the general assembly shall be invited to a second meeting in accordance with the provisions of Article 16. Number of members attending the second meeting may not be less than two times the total membercount of BoD and the supervisory board combined. However, decision to dissolve the confederation requires that at least two thirds of present members vote in favor of such decision at both of the meetings. The BoD shall notify the Local Authority of the decision to dissolve the confederation, within five days.


Procedures to liquidate the confederation shall begin once the dissolution is final and the relevant authority registers the breakup process. If any, confederation receivables shall be collected. Any property or cash asset that remains after payment of financial obligations shall be transferred to the Turkish Red Crescent Society. In case of dissolution by court order or the general assembly has taken no relevant decision, any property, right and cash asset of the confederation shall be transferred to the Treasury.



In case term of duty of a member who represents the confederation at another institution, organization, association, federation or confederation comes to an end, their representational duty at such institution or organization shall endure until expiry of the period determined in line with the charter of such institution or organization.



44.1 GOALS

  • Identify universally-accepted principles of business ethics that allow functioning of free competition
  • Contribute to the establishment and growth of rapport in the business life
  • Prevent spread of attitudes and behaviors that contradict with business ethics
  • Promote business ethics in the business world and your own industry to help it set root and improve.




  • Persons and companies in the business life follow the code of honor and integrity. This principle includes the following attitudes and behaviors.
  • Persons and companies in the business life shall;
  • Not act against the code of honor and integrity in the business life, nor may make a habit thereof.
  • Not, knowingly, conduct business or sell product at another’s harm.
  • Not abuse any confidential information for their interests.
  • Not allow interests of other persons or organizations to influence their independent decision-making ability.
  • Not act deceptively by disseminating misleading information about financial and business standing of others or themselves.
  • Act responsibly about their products and services.
  • Not distort laws or internationally-accepted principles of integrity to cause unfair competition.



  • Persons and organizations shall be prudent not to use outside their intended purposes any information entrusted to them as a result of their business relations or duties.
  • They have to safeguard the confidential information unless they obtain written consent and approval of their clients or business partners, or there is a legal requirement.
  • They shall be liable for unintended or wrongful use of such information.


No person or organization may act against the legal order of the Republic of Turkey. In this regard, persons and organizations shall;

  • Perform all of their managerial or auditory duty as stipulated by laws.
  • Not keep incorrect, false or inaccurate records, or provide competent authorities with misleading information.
  • Not indulge in unlawful or criminal acts, or resort to conducts or methods scorned by business and social ethics.
  • Not act against free market and competition conditions.


  • No person or organization may handle labor-rights issues discriminatorily on the basis of race, color, religion or gender. Employees may not be harassed due to such traits.
  • They shall not allow at the workplace any conduct or action that may be deemed racial, religious or sexual harassment.
  • They shall ensure security and confidentiality of any personal information of the employees.



No person or organization shall resort any conduct or method scorned by the business or social ethics in an attempt to access business secrets or confidential documents.


Persons and organizations shall be prudent to not allow their activities to harm the nature. They shall observe any environmental regulation.


Persons and organizations shall show effort to make employees adopt, and apply in their environment and lives, the principles specified in this document.




Provisions of the B—Laws, or relevant articles of the Law of Association or Civil Code, shall apply at any matter not covered by the charter of the Young Businessmen Confederation for Turkey.


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